Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Blog!

My 1L blog ended up somewhat of a hit even though looking back on it I might not have included some things. I made a friend through it and a few people have told me it affected their decision about whether to attend California Western.

The blog ended up somewhat of a hit and has more visitors than anything else I created on the web. I have google analytics installed and the most viewed post ended up the "grades, the curve, and ucsd" entry (other than the front page). The blog has a few thousand visitors from 24 countries. Google, Top Law Schools, Reddit, and even a page on the California Western sites referred to the old blog. I'd call it a success.

I'm starting the 2L blog late and it will be a little different. The 1L blog I think mostly serves as a reference to people considering attending California Western. This blgo will keep track of what I'm working on as a 2l, any news about the potential UCSD merger, and light hearted posts about current events and the law.

What I've been up to (people have emailed me asking):
-I didn't do as well as I wanted second semester. :(
-I did pass my 1L
-I clerked for the Santa Barbara DA's office on felony cases. I felt like I threw myself into the deep end, but I worked with the attorneys there and they gave me a lot of really good feedback. The experience was nothing short of phenomenal and I really liked the people I worked with.
-I joined the Foxen wine club! Woo!
-I went back to class for the fall. I took Evidence, Criminal Procedure, California Civil Procedure, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Professional Responsibility.

I am now in my spring semester. I'm taking Wills, Trusts & Estates, Constitutional Law I, Torts II, Environmental Law, and Law of the Seas with a scholarly writing seminar. California Western requires all students to complete a scholarly writing. I plan on fulfilling my scholarly writing requirement through the Law of the Seas class addressing some environmental issue. It should be fun. I also joined the environmental law society. They're a great group of people and fun to chat with.

I recently applied to work for the in-house counsel at the San Diego Zoo and it appears I can intern there. The process is a little weird though. The interview is done through the HR department and not through the legal office. I showed up wearing a suit, and I'm pretty sure they expected me to dress like Steve Irwin. So I went through their form interview for zoo volunteers. I let them know I have no problem with my hygiene and I promised not to get any face tattoos.

If any readers need a law clerk for the summer, let me know!

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